The Adult Wards

  • Open Nightingale design
  • Burns Unit, because of the infection risk, was divided into single and double rooms in (need to ask John Gower)
  • Each ward had a ward office, one or two side wards, a kitchen store room, sluice and toilets 
  • Ward A – spare ward.  Kept in state of readiness for a Major Incident.  Also used as the decant ward to allow major work to take place in any of the other wards.  In the 1980s to facilitate an upgrade of MIU.  MIU moved to Ward A for a sort period of time
  • Ward B – female trauma 
  • Ward C – female trauma
  • Ward D – male trauma 
  • Ward E – Burns Unit 
  • Ward F – Burns Unit
  • Ward G – Short stay ward; one half male, another half female
  • Ward I – Children’s ward 
  • Ward sisters at time of closure:
    • Ward B Angela Ampton
    • Ward C Gloria Wilson
    • Ward D Dawn Townsend/Judy Burn 
    • Ward E/F Muriel Jeffcott
    • Ward G Margaret Farnum-Vaeting 
    • Ward H Fiona Marsland
    • Ward I Kate Webb